Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Need to Act Now(Bluefin)

     With the prices of Bluefin tuna growing so has the demand for the fish. More and more company's and commercial fishing operations are seeking out this giant beast. Migrations that used to be considered highways for tuna have now become tuna death traps... with rows and rows of nets, hooks and boats lining the waters on which the tuna travel. This is mostly fueled by the demand for the tuna in Asian markets, specifically Japan who intakes the most tuna mainly for sushi. Don't get me wrong I LOVE sushi but I want sushi for years to come, not just for the next five years.
     We need to act now to preserve this truly magnificent fish! Last year the U.S. put its first "quota" on the Pacific bluefin population that it catches. However 90% of other countries don't have any such quota or legal limit. They are too caught up with making money in the short term instead of bracing and preparing for the long term use. The government's of these countries need to collaborate with fish protection agencies and come up with a "fish friendly" solution to the problem.

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